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Analysis of POLICE Portrayal Patterns in KOREA Crime Films: Focusing on the Two Crime Films of Box Office in the 2000s

Vol.1 (No.2) 2016
2016-12-30 13:59


This paper analyzed Korea 'crime films' in 2000 's, extracted the characteristics and problems of ‘the police’ portrayal patterns and searched for the right direction for the reproduction of the mass media of the police in the future. Particularly, it examined the portrayal patterns of the police, focusing on the box office movies (2002) and (2003), which were produced and screened since the 2000s . Related to the common model after that, I tried to find a way to improve the image of the police properly. The theoretical background of this paper is based on the cultural contextual analysis methodology. Film is a multi-layered prod-uct formed in an influence relation with various discourses derived from society, rather than an embodiment of its own autonomous and independent meaning. The three common aspects are shown as follows. The three films commonly deal with violent crimes committed during the same period of 'serial murder', and they also created a model for police by creating specific meaning for 'crime' and 'police'. Specifically, repro-duces the violence of the police, and reproduces police image of the illegal small heroism. There-fore, it is required that the efforts of the police in order to settle the old remnants and negative factors of the police that have been going on to date and to form the image of the scientific, rational and ethical police.

Keyword:Policing, Crime Films, Mass Media, Violence, Illegality
  • Public safety is an important index for the quality of life of the public, and the public are taking an increasing interest in it. South Korea is coming up with various public safety policies in order to increase the level of public safety. The police force of a country is the most powerful institution for maintaining public safety but the police is faced with challenges due to insufficient manpower and budget. Furthermore, demand for private security is increasing, with structural expansion and reorganization taking place in the public safety service market. With increased importance in private security, taking private security into account when establishing public safety policies has become not an option but mandatory. Hence, understanding changes taking place in private security from diverse perspectives and understanding the role that it plays must serve as the basis when deciding on the country’s policies or systems related to private security and putting them into effect. The aging population is expected to aggravate the abnormality in the age distribution of the labor market, especially the private security market, when it sees an increased inflow of older workers. But the private security market structurally has an abnormally more older workers than other industries, so when it sees an increased inflow of old labor, it may firmly cement its image as the market for older working population, and problems with the their work capabilities would cause a shift in how private security is viewed. With increased individualism and increased income made by the public, there would be a continual increase in the demand from the private security industry. With this, the type of demand for private security would change from “place-centric” to “individual-centric.” According to the Profit-Oriented Enterprise Theory, increase in per-sonal income would bring about the public’s increased desire for ensuring their personal safety and protecting their property, and this would continually increase the demand from the private security industry. Moreover, as individualism takes greater hold in society, the concept of private security is changing from “place security”(con-cerned with buildings, offices, etc.) to “personal security.” The dual aspect of advancements in science and technology — advancements in telecommunications and IT technology versus increase in various threats — is expected to diversify the ways in which supply/demand works and change how transactions take place in the private security industry. This dual aspect is expected to bring advancements in private security, and advancements in science and technology would bring diversity to public safety services. The diversity in public safety services would also bring about a change to how transactions take place between the provider and the consumer, with advancements in IT technology. Changes in the laws and regulations would have both a favorable effect and an adverse effect. On the upside, it would increase the size of working age population and reduce the number of older people in poverty. On the downside, it would decrease level of professionalism and the public would have a stereotypical view of the private security sector in terms of the kind of people working there, especially when it comes to their age. The Security Industry Act made it easier for workers to enter the private security sector, and attempted to increase the number of private security firms and beef up the security staff with subsidies given to senior citizens applying for the job. However, with a low level of professionalism in private security and with the program to necessitate paying more than the minimum wage, there is a concern for quality.
    Keyword:Policing, Police, Private Security, Security Environment, Republic of Korea
  • This paper analyzed Korea 'crime films' in 2000 's, extracted the characteristics and problems of ‘the police’ portrayal patterns and searched for the right direction for the reproduction of the mass media of the police in the future. Particularly, it examined the portrayal patterns of the police, focusing on the box office movies (2002) and (2003), which were produced and screened since the 2000s . Related to the common model after that, I tried to find a way to improve the image of the police properly. The theoretical background of this paper is based on the cultural contextual analysis methodology. Film is a multi-layered prod-uct formed in an influence relation with various discourses derived from society, rather than an embodiment of its own autonomous and independent meaning. The three common aspects are shown as follows. The three films commonly deal with violent crimes committed during the same period of 'serial murder', and they also created a model for police by creating specific meaning for 'crime' and 'police'. Specifically, repro-duces the violence of the police, and reproduces police image of the illegal small heroism. There-fore, it is required that the efforts of the police in order to settle the old remnants and negative factors of the police that have been going on to date and to form the image of the scientific, rational and ethical police.
    Keyword:Policing, Crime Films, Mass Media, Violence, Illegality
  • Users of parks have been progressively diversified, and crimes in parks have been increasing due to the prob-lems such as lack of police security resource and insufficiency of management and operation of the park mana-gerial agents. Hence, this research would like to propose a park-crime prevention system based on augmented reality technology as a measure to predict and prevent crimes in parks. Augmented reality as a type of virtual reality, is an integration of experiences in virtual and actual realities, which presents a combination of computer graphic images including virtual entities such as animation, motion, image, audio and information with images and background in real spaces. Augmented reality involves technolo-gies tracking location, direction and movement, extracting characteristic points and transferring them to data servers, then understanding through comparisons between the characteristic points. Moreover, Registration technology creating virtual objects via computer graphics and distributing them at their exact locations identical with real images, and UI (User Interface) technology processing mutual interaction between users including the screen, are utilized. The proposed park crime prevention system from this thesis, at first, establishes a database to comprehen-sively save data such as geological profiling with analysis of crime type and motion action patterns by criminals who whose main habitat is a park and stereotyped data which space-time pattern has been analyzed from the distributions of crime occurring times and locational spaces during past cases occurred inside of parks. Then, park users will be able to use parks safely from crimes by checking downloaded park crime prevention application in their smart phones, linked with the database storing information.
    Keyword:Policing, Park-Crime, Crime Prevention, Augmented Reality, Vision Base
  • This study aims to provide an intelligent forensic examination and analysis method for large-scale data and data of various resources on diverse cybercrimes that are recently increasing. The purpose of the proposed method is to preemptively cope with cybercrime problems by integrating large amount of data and conducting intelligent analysis of data. A semantic web-based method which performs metadata forensic investigation and analysis, the proposed method consists of four steps: collection, examination, analysis, and presentation. There is an advantage to collecting all metadata of heterogeneous sources from using XML files to represent metadata and then using metadata repository. The Semantic Web technology can integrate metadata in repositories using ontologies to retrieve related metadata. Artificial intelligence and analytical methodologies can be applied to obtain potential evidences that can be used in court in a meaningful way. Because of the increase in cybercrime, the complexity in types of cybercrime, and the limitations of time and resources, it is important to obtain desired outcome in a timely manner in any cybercrime investigation. Instead of the posterior method of chasing a cyber-crime after its occurrence, a new method that can preemptively detect and eliminate cybercrime risks is required. The explosive increase of data on cyberspace also calls for efficient forensic techniques for large amount of data. It is expected that this study will ultimately contribute to reducing cybercrimes since proactive detection of and preemptive action against cybercrimes can be accomplished through the use of forensic techniques for large-scale data.
    Keyword:Policing, Cybercrime, Digital Forensics, Intelligent, Digital Forensic Investigation
  • Community policing has been accepted as new paradigm of policing in many countries, including the United States, JAPAN, U.K., FRANCE. In KOREA, there has also been a growing awareness towards importance of com-munity policing, and efforts have been made to adopt and establish community policing. However, community policing has not yet been fully established. Therefore, the study intended to compare differences in awareness towards community policing based on socio-demographic characteristics of the police as part of measures to establish community policing. In order to achieve such objectives of this study, the study set the community policing awareness factors as the goals and entity of community policing. Survey was conducted to the life safety departments, patrol divisions, and precinct stations of the police stations in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, Incheon. The results were examined for statis-tical analysis such as t-test and ANOVA using the SPSS21.0, a statistical program. The results of analysis showed that the objectives of community policing showed a significant differences only in 4 items, i.e., age of police officers, local administrative districts in service, type of local urban area in service, and working period of police officers. The entity of community policing was found to show a significant difference in 5 items, i.e., gender, age, local administrative districts in service, type of local urban area in service, and organization in service. Among the items that showed a significant difference, the 3 times, i.e., age, local administrative districts in service, and type of local urban area in service were found to be common to community policing awareness factors. By age, extent of awareness was higher in those in their 20s and 40s than in those in their 50s. Meanwhile, those serving in Incheon had higher extent of awareness in terms of the 2 factors in connection with local admin-istrative districts in service. Moreover, extent of awareness was higher in industrial regions and agricultural/fishery regions in connection with type of local urban area in service. Based on that, various types of programs need to be developed to improve awareness towards community policing, depending on working environment, region of work and age of the police officers, in order to increase awareness towards community policing. In addition, right community policing should take root through improve-ment of awareness towards community policing by the police force.
    Keyword:Policing, Community Policing, Police, Socio-Demographic Characteristics, Awareness aowards Community Policing